Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Printing machines have been around for a long time. In 2000 bioprinting was thought of and starting to be developed. Now bioprinting works and is at the stage of testing on mice. Their goal is to start human clinical trials in the next couple of years. Bioprinting works similar to an ink printer, only instead of ink, human cells are placed in the cartridge. The human cells are "printed" out in a pattern. Scientist can make tissue, organs, and even bones using this technology. Below is a very basic diagram showing how bioprinting works.

Below is a link to a video on CNN website giving some incite on what bioprinting is and the man who started this.

CNN Tech Bioprinting Video

When I first heard about bioprinting I was very skeptical and didn't like the idea of it. Now, knowing all the good that it can accomplish, my stance on the subject is changing. But now I ask you all, do you see anything bad with bioprinting? Do you see any problems or ethical issues arising from this?


  1. Really interesting topic. 3d printing objects and bio printing are amazing new concepts. The idea that we can create organs from a small amount of cell tissue is unfathomable. However, it can also be scary to think about how far we could take this.

  2. I would agree with your comment that when initially hearing about bioprinting that I was skeptical and uncomfortable with the idea. I do think, as with any new technology there can be ethical issues if there aren't regulations abuse of bioprinting and inappropriate use will occur. However I do now see how much good can come from this new technology, it could revolutionize the Medical field!

  3. I really like this idea, and it is similar to 3-D Printing. I also like it because it can save lives and let people that were going to donate survive. There might be some problems with this, like it "might" get contaminated if not handle with care...
