Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Audi's Next-Generation Car GPS Interface

Audi brings new meaning to GPS.  Audi was striving to redefine the way we look at navigation systems.  The article states "The AIDA 2.0 system adds to the current location-destination-waypoint model with the analysis of driver behavior to identify goals the driver would like to achieve. That means it tries to help you locate food you like when you're hungry, movies you might like to see, or places you might like to shop." There is a display on the dashboard and side mirrors of three dimensional graphics.  It shows a detailed map of businesses, shopping malls, residential places, etc.
Audi states; "This is just a technology showcase investigating potential ways to innovate such systems for the future."  To see a video of this click here.

I find this very fascinating but scary.  While watching the video all I could think about was how much of a distraction it seems to be.  What do you think?  How much of a regulation should there be about distractions in the car?


  1. That is a huge distraction, I can't image what might happen... This might work on like a iPhone, tablet, or other electronic devices, if you have somebody with you while you are driving, or maybe have it on the car screen for the newer cars and have it talk to you... But, I really like the concept of it helping you find places like dinning places and plays that you might like...

  2. This seems pretty crazy. Awesome. But crazy. I would probably wreck the car because I would just be looking around at everything.

  3. Looks kind of like what Google Glass probably does when you try driving with it. Both of them are a wreck waiting to happen. I've never done drunk driving, but it wouldn't surprise me if a navigation system like that will someday end up causing more wrecks than drunk drivers. Techy and cool. Yes. But still a very bad idea.
